Can a Great Product Video Really Help You Boost Sales?
October 6, 2016Welcome to the Age of Web Series & Cutting-Edge VFX
October 20, 2016We live in a world dominated by media, whether it be for information, entertainment or communication. As a result of this, we have become accustomed to instant gratification and in turn we gravitate towards things that will give us just that. Fortunately for marketing, videos are one of those things.
According to GoAnimate, 60% of people who visit a business website prefer to watch a video about it rather than read the text. And according to a study conducted by Eyeview Digital, including a video on your landing page can potentially increase your conversion by up to 80%1.
Why Video Marketing Works
According to YouTube, mobile video consumption goes up by 100% every year. If you look up ‘Video Marketing Statistics’ on Google, you will get dozens of blog posts listing 50 (if not more) statistics about video marketing. The very fact that these statistics exist and people are blogging about them should say something about the importance of video marketing.
According to the University of Massachusetts Darthmouth, 86% of all colleges and universities have a presence on YouTube. This means you can immediately tap into a huge, promising audience for any material that you post on YouTube. Furthermore, regardless of whether they are students, businessmen or homemakers, 90% of users claim that watching a video about a product is very helpful in their decision making process. So doesn’t it already seem like a great idea to market your brand through videos?
The fact of the matter is nothing will grab your attention like a video. Think back to when you were in school. Didn’t watching a movie about the French Revolution help you study better than reading pages and pages of text from your history book? The same principal applies in video marketing. Videos and movies make a deeper impression on the viewer than texts or images. It is no wonder that according to Mist Media, internet users will spend 88% more time on a website that has videos2.
Take a minute to carefully study this nifty infographic. Statistics show that 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video. Furthermore, real estate listings that are accompanied by a video receive 403% more enquiries than text listings. Such is the power of video!
Videos Can Spread Like Wildfire
How many of us have viewed, liked and shared videos on social media? Yes, we’ve all done it. It may have been a snazzy business video or a video of a dog bottle feeding a goat, but the bottom line is that it made a big enough impression for us to like and share it.
Invodo reports that 92% of people who watch videos on their cell phones share these videos on social media. When videos go viral (think “Charlie Bit My Finger”) they can do so overnight. So why not tap into this ability to go viral and make a video that can give you some good publicity?
It is perfectly clear what a video can do for your brand and your product. All you have to do is take the plunge, hire a good corporate film production company that can draw up a solid video marketing strategy and invest in a solid video for your brand. This will not only improve your SEO rankings but you will definitely notice more and more traffic on your website and soon enough it will begin to generate revenue.
Dr. Kavita Chordiya experience covers almost 10 years of teaching. She holds the variety of other crucial positions like Chairperson for Labour Laws, Member of the Syllabus Review Committee of SPPU, Paper Setter, Moderator, Examiner, Ph.D Guide, BSE Resource Person. She is Author of many books in the field of Management.