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Animated Christmas Movies that you must watch again this New Year Season


animated christmas movie marathon


The year is almost ending. Christmas just went by and the New Year is right around the corner. It is cold outside, the perfect time to settle in with a hot cup of coffee in hand and get a movie marathon going! If you are wondering what should be on the list, then here are our suggestions! Yes, we know Christmas has passed by now but there is no limit frame for the movies on this list and we promise you that you won’t regret the time spent. Let the countdown of the animated movies begin.


Must watch Animated Christmas movies


10. Winnie the Pooh & Christmas Too

winnie the pooh, animated Christmas movies

If there is ever a movie that focuses on the friendship and the spirit of giving, it is this one. It might seem like a childish thing to do especially since the movie is made for kids but what better time to watch a movie of this nature than now? This is after the season of love and giving! Treat the little child in you with this pick.

9. Frosty the Snowman

frosty the snowman, animated christmas movie

Frosty the Snowman is a 25 min television special that is based on the classical song about the magical snowman who makes friendship with little children. In the movie, the magical snowman and a little girl try to elude a greedy magician as he tries to steal the snowman’s magic hat. There is a sweetness to this television special that simply warms the heart!

8. Babes in Toyland

babes in toyland, animated christmas movies

If you are into the fantasies that has storyline based on attempts of the characters trying to save their Toyland from a grumpy old man, then this was made for you. It is simply heart-warming to watch as they make every possible attempt to keep the evil old man from buying the toy factory and destroying it which would bring about the end of the Christmas spell. The visuals are not as great as the Pixar and Disney releases but if you are willing to ignore that and simply focus on the magic in the story, this a movie we recommend you don’t miss out on.

7. The Night before Christmas

the night before christmas, animated christmas movies

Most people would consider the Night before Christmas a Halloween classic but considering that, the movie is all about the Halloweentown ruler trying to bring the spirit of Christmas to its folks, we recommend this also for this season. The best part is however that they do manage to celebrate Christmas without the regular clichés of the genre. Be ready to experience a different kind of magic with this one!

6. Tokyo Grandfathers

Tokyo grandfather, animated Christmas movies

Tokyo grandfather is definitely one of the most underappreciated modern classics. If you are an animation buff, you will feel so with even more certainty. The story revolves around three unlikely characters finding a crying infant and the efforts they take towards caring for the child. Each of them learn valuable lessons during the process and grow to be better human beings. Sure, it has some dark moments but the lesson that it aims to teach and the sensational ending most definitely makes up for the darker bits.

5. A Charlie Brown Christmas!

A charlie brown christmas, animated christmas movies

A Charlie Brown Christmas made in 1965 is a 25 min feature that focus around the central character, Charlie Brown. Sickened by the commercialism that now surrounds Christmas, he sets off to find the true meaning of Christmas. This tale prompts you towards some soul searching so be ready to deal with some intense bits that will move you.

4. The Grinch who stole Christmas!

The grinch who stole christmas, animated christmas movies

Another movie made back in 1966 that is still magical. This movie is the tale of a grumpy Grinch who hates Christmas as tries to steal it from the Whos of Whosville. It sounds depressing but it is nowhere close to depressing.

3. Polar Express

The polar express, animated christmas movies

The Polar Express is made on basis of Chris Allsburg’s children’s book that won awards. The movie and book are about a boy who boards a magical train that heads towards the North Pole where he finally meet Santa Claus. This was the first time that Robert Zemeckis tried the use of motion capture animation and movie has a few of the glitches that this technique has till date. But if you are willing to ignore that then this movie is most certainly worth the watch.

2. Auther Christmas

arthurs christmas, animated christmas movies

This one-hour movie that came out in 2011 is about Santa’s clumsy son who sets out with St. Nick’s father on a mission to deliver a gift to a young girl that they misplace in less than two hours. How does it end you ask? Watch the movie! Your heart is bound to go all gooey over this one.

1.       A Christmas Carol

A christmmas carol, animated christmas movie

This Charles Dickens novel stole many hearts but when it came out as an animated movie, the magic was recreated. This is the story of a miser in the Victorian-era who sets out on a journey of redemption. Jim Carey and Colin Firth only add to the wondrous feel of the movie!


Tempted? Gather your family and go forth on this merry journey of animated Christmas movies this vacation season.

Aashay Gatade
Aashay Gatade
Last updated: February 26, 2025

Aashay Gatade is a film editor with over 10 years of professional experience. He has worked on feature films, short films, web series, TVCs etc. These include commercial success as well as critical acclaim. Also he has been teaching film making for more than 3 years.
