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December 11, 2014
Home Projects

The Visual Effects in Interstellar that Lead to a Scientific Discovery

“It’s very easy to fall into the trap of breaking the rules of reality,” says Paul Franklin, a senior supervisor of Academy Award-winning effects house Double […]
December 9, 2014

Green Screen Errors to Avoid at All Costs

December 8, 2014

King Kong – What Does it Take to Make a Movie of that Magnitude?a

In the early 1900’s, every adolescent minds all over the world had but one obsession, THE KING KONG movie. This tall mighty creature ruled the fantasy […]
November 21, 2014

Outsourcing in The VFX Industry Growth: VFX Studios in India Are At The Forefront

November 17, 2014
Landscape Matte painting Work - Toolbox Studio

11 Greatest Matte Paintings Of All Time

Matte paintings (or ‘glass shots’) originated during the early period of the silent era. They gave production units the freedom of never having to leave the […]
November 7, 2014

Milestones In Visual Effects: What Came Before Star Wars

  Since the Star Wars we have seen many wonders on the big screen. But what happened before? Ever since the very first moving picture, Star […]
November 5, 2014

From Star Wars to Gravity: Milestones in Special Effect

October 31, 2014


Like everything else in the world, rotoscopy has its own timeline of evolution. The Evolution of Rotoscopy and Animation This was the age when motion pictures […]
July 3, 2014

Metamorphosing Marathi Cinema: The VFX Factor Revolutionizing the Industry

Marathi films have witnessed a stupendous growth in the last decade, not only in the number of audience visiting the screens but also in technology that […]