Create Visual Content For Marketing

Creating Visual Content: Consumer Preferences in 2017

March 30, 2017
Digital Video

What Kind of Videos do People from Different Age Groups Consume?

April 18, 2017

9 Reasons Why Your Business Should Be Producing More Visual Content

Visual Content Creation

As a passionate visual arts company, Toolbox Studio studies and understands the possibilities and potential applications of the latest numbers and data on the role of  visual content for business in marketing.

success go get it

“You can’t expect to just write and have visitors come to you – that’s too passive”, said Anita Campbell, founder, CEO, and publisher of Small Business Trends.

Looking at the evolving trends in content marketing and social media in the last 12 months, we analysed what counts as ‘active’.

Visual content for business has played a crucial and rewarding role in supporting powerful communication. In 2016, big social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat experimented with a business visuals-based marketing approach. Infographics and video content have proven interesting connections between brands and their audience.

Here is a quick 9-point list that demonstrates how businesses can benefit by investing in video content.

1.Tech is taking over

Let’s take a moment to acknowledge the phenomenal change our world has experienced in mere decades. The tech-savvy urban population takes seconds to connect with one another through a plethora of platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook, all while demanding and creating exciting visual content for business communication. Whether through infographics, presentations, or other business visuals, these platforms have transformed how we engage and share information.

visual marketing - content on multiple devices


85% of adults consume content on multiple devices at the same time. There were more than 500 million Instagram users in June 2016. Half of YouTube subscribers between the ages of 18 and 34 would drop whatever they were doing to watch a new video from their favorite channel. It’s an encouraging time for businesses to get noticed since the consumer base is already active and ready to receive content through these popular platforms, most of which favor visual content.

2. ‘Did You See’ works better than ‘Did You Hear

Visual memory is more powerful than one might imagine. Turns out, when people hear information, they’re likely to remember only 10% of that information three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with that same information, people retain 65% of the information three days later. 85% of videos on Facebook are watched without sound.Do we have your attention yet? Well, we will, and your consumers will have yours… just as soon as words are supported with interesting visual content for business.

3. Blending Pictionary with Scrabble

Eye-tracking studies have shown that internet readers pay close attention to information-carrying images to understand the equation between visuals and memory further. when the images are relevant, readers spend more time looking at the images than they do reading text on the page.

Smartly-designed visuals = powerful content-support = effective and influential communication.

4. A picture is TRULY worth a thousand words

In the most competitive of markets, one of the most reliable methods to perform well is to know what your consumer base likes, wants, and needs. Here’s some data that presents consumer preferences.

Visual content for business is a key driver of engagement. Infographics are “liked” and shared on social media 3X more than any other type of content. People following directions with text and illustrations do 323% better than people following directions without illustrations. In an analysis of over 1 million articles, BuzzSumo found that articles with an image once every 75-100 words received double the social media shares as articles with fewer images. Facebook posts with images see 2.3X more engagement than those without images.

5. Moving pictures shape the market picture

video on mobile


Studies suggest that 4 times as many consumers prefer to watch a video about a product than to read about it. Using the word “video” in an email subject line boosts open rates by 19% and clickthrough rates by 65%. These figures effectively sculpt the marketing approach for 2017.

6. Consumers hold the smartphones that hold video content

video on mobile devices


The speed-age calls for swift access to crisply-presented information. 51% of all video plays are on mobile devices, and Videos under five minutes in length account for 55% of total video consumption time on smartphones.

Learn more about Toolbox Studio’s specialised corporate film production services and the application of such films about your business.

7. Market trends vouch for visual production

According to an Animoto survey, more than 60% of marketers and small business owners planned to increase their investment in video marketing in 2017. In 2016, 62% of B2B marketers rated videos and business visuals as an effective content marketing tactic. 55% of marketers consider Facebook their chief social media platform.  

8. Business owners embrace the new ‘image’

74% of social media marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing, ahead of blogs (68%) and videos (60%). 5% of marketers and small business owners who have used video marketing say it had a direct impact on their business, and more than 60% said they plan to increase investment in video next year.

9. Fun facts make solid proof

Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than tweets without images. Facebook users watch 8 billion videos per day while Snapchat users watch 10 billion videos per day. Snapchat users also share 9,000 photos per second!

The more business visuals exhibits, the better your chance of being in front of your audiences. Toolbox Studio offers exclusive video creation services, including professional business visuals like explainer videos, an avenue you should explore in 2017.

Contact us today!

Anoop Chaphekar
Anoop Chaphekar
Last updated: March 14, 2025

A Fine Arts Graduate, Anoop brings 20+ yrs experience in the VFX and Animation industry. He brings his expertise in Animation-VFX for Television Commercials to Visual Effects for feature films, TV and Web series.
