Who will take the Oscar For Animated Short Films?

Who will take the Oscar For Animated Short Films?

February 18, 2016
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Facts about the Marvel Heros! (Infographic)

March 10, 2016

5 Reasons You Should Make A Corporate Video (Infographic)

Corporate Video Production

Good blog content isn’t enough anymore. You need to go that extra mile to stand out in the crowd that is the internet. That can only be done by creating amazing content that goes beyond just the blog. Video, is an important avenue to make great content that spreads. Here are some important reasons why you need to incorporate amazing corporate video production into your online marketing campaign. 5 Reasons For A Corporate Video Infographic

Jijin P K
Jijin P K
Last updated: December 18, 2024

Jijin has 2 years of experience in the film industry as an Assistant Cinematographer and has worked as a still photographer in two movies in Malayalam. He was part of many other short films and documentaries as director and cinematographer.
